Bobby In Show Me The Money 3

Round One – First Round Auditions

In the first round auditions, we can see many rappers gathered while standing in one big place, waiting for the producers of Show Me The Money 3 to go in front of them and judge their rapping without any music companion. In this round, we can see Bobby and his fellow member B.I going together in the audition. When they participated in this show, they were still trainees as iKON hadn’t been formed into a group yet and they had just finished their survival show WIN: Who Is Next. Later, it was revealed that their participation in the show actually happened at the same time as their survival show for forming iKON, called Mix and Match. While auditioning, B.I had to go first and got judged by Dok2 from Illionaire. It turned out that he got the necklace despite him forgetting a small part of his lyrics, but he decided to continue on like nothing has happened. Because of this, it made Bobby quite nervous and pressured to get a necklace too. After that, the scene changed to where San.E from Brand New Music had to judge his rap. After calming himself, he started to show his rap without flaw. As you have guessed, Bobby managed to receive the necklace just like B.I and passed to the next round. In the show, we can see that Bobby was underestimated by many because of their title as idol rappers. However, after his first audition, people started to acknowledge his skills at rapping. You can watch the video of Bobby’s first-round audition here:

Round Two – Solo Judgement

Moving onto the next round, each participant had to show their rap to the judges for 1 minute. Within that time, if all producers press the “fail” button, the participants can’t go to the next round and have to be eliminated. In this round, San.E asked if YG said something to him when he asked to participate in Show Me The Money 3. Bobby answered that YG said if he can’t win, then he should pack his bags, or in other words, leave YG. After the small talk, Bobby performed his rap but he didn’t do it quite well, resulting in only 2 teams that gave him the pass. On the commentary, the judges said that his beginning was too boring. Another judge also said that he hasn’t found his own rap style and that he is trying too hard to look cool. Meanwhile, his fellow member B.I said that Bobby performed like that because he was too nervous. You can watch the video of Bobby’s 2nd audition here:

Round Three – Bobby vs Jamezz

In the next round, Bobby had to go in a one-on-one battle with Jamezz (still went under the name Kim Sung-hee in Show Me The Money 3). While choosing his opponent, Bobby stated that his reason for choosing Jamezz is because of his lyrics regarding idol rappers when he did his 2nd round audition. Jamezz doubted Bobby’s skills as a rapper because he was originally an idol, but he mentioned while they practice that Bobby’s actually quite good. While they were performing their battle, unfortunately, the two of them made a mistake, but they went on with their performance until the end. Because of this, they received a compliment from the judges. Bobby also received a compliment from Swings who was surprised by the words Bobby had chosen for his lyrics. Jamezz also received compliments from the judges that he had a fun vibe while he performed. However, the one that managed to pass to the next round was Bobby. You can watch Bobby’s one-on-one battle with Jamezz in the video below:

Round Four – Team Illionaire

After the one-on-one battle, the participants got to choose the team to work with the producers they liked. Before choosing their team, the producers had to perform on a stage to attract the participants. In this performance, the producer that had grabbed the most attention was YDG, who since the start showed his worry because he worked alone, but surprised the other judges and participants with his great performance. While watching the performance, Bobby once mentioned that he’s interested in making a team with YDG, to which fellow contestant Iron responded to him to go together with him and team up with YDG. When he chose the team, the producers expected him to go to Team YG as it is his agency. The producers from YG also had waited with expectation, but the producers were left shocked when they saw Bobby chose Team Illionaire. It left all the producers speechless while Dok2 and The Quiett smiled satisfyingly as Bobby was the first person to choose their team. In the interview, Bobby said that the reason he chose Illionaire is that he wanted to destroy people’s misconceptions due to his YG background and that he wanted to prove that he can do well. However, the team almost faced elimination as there were only two persons to chose from Team Illionaire; Bobby and Chamain. But, the staff gave another chance for the participants to choose their team over again. Finally, Team Illionaire left relieved after it was revealed that there are more people who can come to their team. The final members of Team Illionaire were Park Pyung-an, Toy, Chamain, and Bobby.

Round Five – Individual Performance

After choosing their team, each participant had to perform individually in front of the audience. Later, the audience would vote the best rapper among all the participants and the total voting received by the rappers will determine the team’s ranking. They will also be able to advance to the next round if they secured the 1st place within the team without a battle because there would be only two persons to advance to the next round. In this round, there was a diss battle between Bobby, Oltii, and B.I. In the interview, Oltii had said that he doesn’t like the idol rappers that often forget their lyrics while performing and thought that they have no talent. However, it seems that Bobby successfully crushed those thoughts through his individual performance. Before, Team Illionaire received a lot of criticism because there was no notable performance from their team members. However, Bobby’s performance turned the tables and made other teams completely stunned. For his performance, Bobby showed an intense rap which made even other producers amazed with his rap. When he went back to the participants’ waiting room, he received compliments from the producers as he walked. Even Masta Wu said that he wants Bobby to come back to Team YG and change Yook Ji-dam with him. However, an unexpected voting result came out that added to the drama of the show. Overall, Team YG didn’t perform well because Yook Ji-dam and B.I forgot their lyrics. However, Team YG managed to secure 2nd place while Team YDG was in 3rd place, and the last place went to Team Illionaire. This made the team receive a lot of criticism from the other teams, even Tablo and Masta Wu who were the producers of the team didn’t feel right about the results. In the end, the participants who secured 1st place in their team and were able to advance to the next round were Vasco, B.I, Bobby, and Iron. You can watch Bobby’s individual performance in the video below:

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